Joshua Avery Reed

Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Bachelor's in Computer Science from BYU-Idaho

Coding & Programs

Languages, tools, packages/apis used with sample projects.

System Administration & Web Development

Tools used and sample sites.

Video Editing, Graphic Design, Audio Mixing

Tools used and sample videos.

Info & Contact

Social media, github, resume, spoken languages, etc.
Thanks for checking out my work!
The site will be updated as often as possible.


Ludum Dare 46 (SDL2) jarreed0/ld46
Testris (SDL2) jarreed0/retroremake/tree/master/tetris
Brick Breaker (SDL2) jarreed0/retroremake/tree/master/brick
Pong (SDL2) jarreed0/retroremake/tree/master/pong
Isometric Template Code (SDL2) jarreed0/isometric-template
Game Engine (SDL2/OpenGL) jarreed0/ArchGE
Game Tutorial (SDL2) jarreed0/GameDevTut
Simple Space Game jarreed0/SpaceGameOrWhatever
Car Game (SDL2) jarreed0/simple-car-game/tree/main/cpp

Over 7 years of experience.

Pyxelated GUI (pyxelate, tkinter, matplotlib, numpy, skimage) jarreed0/pyxelated-gui
DNS Lookup (dnspython) currently working on this with a company, code will be published soon.

Over 4 years of experience.

DNS Lookup (miekg/dns) jarreed0/go-dns-lookup
Car Game (SDL2) jarreed0/simple-car-game/tree/main/go

Over 2 year of experience.

Binary Search jarreed0/Bash-Binary-Search

Over 10 years of experience (with bash, ksh, and sh on Linux, BSD, and MacOS systems).

Java App jgibbons94/manna

Over 6 years of experience.

Ludum Dare 46 (SDL2) jarreed0/ld46
Testris (SDL2) jarreed0/retroremake/tree/master/tetris
Brick Breaker (SDL2) jarreed0/retroremake/tree/master/brick
Pong (SDL2) jarreed0/retroremake/tree/master/pong
Isometric Template Code (SDL2) jarreed0/isometric-template
Game Engine (SDL2/OpenGL) jarreed0/ArchGE
Game Tutorial (SDL2) jarreed0/GameDevTut
Simple Space Game jarreed0/SpaceGameOrWhatever
Car Game (SDL2) jarreed0/simple-car-game/tree/main/cpp
Car Game (SDL2) jarreed0/simple-car-game/tree/main/go
vulkan-core (very basic wrapper that I had started, will pick back up on it soon) jarreed0/vulkan-core
Rudimentary 3D Graphics Library (libx11) jarreed0/OdeGL

More projects with HTML, Python, PHP, JavaScript, CGI, CSS can be found under the Web Development section.
Experience with Ruby, Lua, and C as well. Experience with git and managing git repos.

Documentation and QA Tools:
  • LCOV
  • Doxygen
  • Git
  • Pydoc

  • School Senior Project
    Rudimentary 3D Graphics Library (libx11) jarreed0/OdeGl

    (Github is being reorganized at the moment with more projects. Some projects were left unfinished and/or still in development)

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    Servers & Web

    I have been administrating Linux and BSD based machines for over a decade.

    Experience setting up and
    maintaining servers with:
  • Knot
  • BIND
  • Apache
  • SSL Let's Encrypt
  • phpMyAdmin
  • mySQL
  • SQLite
  • Postfix
  • mail
  • sendmail
  • Mutt
  • Ansible
  • Terraform

  • Websites I Host, Created & Have Worked On:
    (some still under development)

    Sites Created w/:
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • CGI

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    Video/Audio Editing & Graphic Design

    Tools & Applications
  • Pitivi
  • Kdenlive
  • Audacity
  • GIMP
  • Inkscape
  • Krita
  • Blender

  • My Youtube Channel
    Avery Makes Games

    Channels I Have Worked On
    Royal Origins
    Cody Johns
    Mr. Worthwhile
    Payton Reed
    Frame Dissection

    Over 8 years of experience.

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    Hi! My name is Avery Reed and I'm from Fort Worth, Texas. I am a student at Brigham Young University - Idaho studying Computer Science. I will be graduating soon. I love to program on computers and I've been doing it for years now.

    "What I've learned is that if you really want to be successful at something, you'll find that you put the time in. You won't just ask somebody if it's a good idea, you'll go figure out if it's a good idea."
    -Mark Cuban

    jarreed0 AT

    Download My Resume 2024

    English - Native
    Portuguese - Fluent / Max score on FLATS exam
    Spanish - 10 years of schooling / Max score on FLATS exam
    Italian - Basic / 2 years self taught

    Volunteer Representative (Sep. 2017 - Aug. 2019)
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    Experience with cold-call techniques and interpersonal skills with 70+ hr work weeks, ran meetings/trainings.

    Eagle Scout Award
    Boy Scouts of America (2016)
    Managed and communicated with a team of volunteers, worked with local authority, placed and managed orders

    Wordle clone and tutorial made in Go with Ebiten showcased on GoLang Weekly issue #403
    Game development tutorial series made in Go with Raylib showcased on GoLang Weekly issue #413, #416

    Instagram Youtube Github LinkedIn

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